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Automated weekly links posts with raindrop.io and Eleventy

Sophie Koonin

Edit 04/02/24 to change the comparator date from midnight on previous Saturday to midnight on previous Sunday to prevent duplicate links being published.

A post that’s been getting a lot of traction recently is I miss human curation by Cassidy Williams, in which she laments that we’re so reliant on algorithms to show us new stuff now, instead of having it recommended to us by other humans.

Inspired by that, I decided to start posting weekly collections of posts and links I liked that week. Knowing I wouldn’t keep it up if I had to manually post it every week, I set about finding a way to automate it. How could I mark a link or blog post as “good”, and have it show up in my blog on a Sunday without me having to do anything?

It occurred to me that I’m already paying for raindrop.io, an excellent bookmark manager. It’s a great way of keeping links in sync across multiple platforms... and it has an API! This meant I could add links to a particular raindrop.io collection as I come across them, and then fetch them once a week and turn them into a post.

I’ve created a separate raindrop.io collection for these links, which I can easily share to from the iOS share sheet, or from the Firefox extension. When I save the bookmark, I also add an accompanying note with a sentence or two about the link.

A screenshot of a Firefox tab navigated to hidde.blog, with the raindrop.io extension visible. I am bookmarking a blog post by Hidde de Vries about his own link sharing plans, and I've written a note about it: 'Hidde's posted about sharing links on his own blog as well - great minds think alike!'. I have tagged the post 'good links'.

I generated an API token for raindrop, and wrote a little script to pull the links from the collection using the /raindrops/[collectionID] endpoint.

I made sure to only fetch links from the past week so I didn’t duplicate anything. You can pass specific search parameters in the query, so I restricted the links to any created after midnight on the previous Sunday, and before midnight on the current day - so, Sunday to Saturday. That means any links I clip on the Sunday will appear in the following week’s link post.

const todayDate = new Date();
const lastSunDate = subDays(todayDate, 7); // using date-fns here
const lastSun = format(lastSunDate, "yyyy-MM-dd");
const today = format(todayDate, "yyyy-MM-dd");

async function fetchLinks() {
  // Get content bookmarked between last Sunday and this Saturday inclusive
  const search = new URLSearchParams({
    search: `created:>${lastSun} created:<${today}`,
  const url = new URL(`https://api.raindrop.io/rest/v1/raindrops/${collectionId}`);
  url.search = search;
  const rsp = await fetch(url, {
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
  return await rsp.json();

Creating the post

Once I’ve pulled the links, I need to turn them into an actual markdown post. I’ve created a very simple template that I can inject content into:

date: {{date}}


Using my method for creating post types, I've added a new link type which has its own shared config. I'm using a couple of custom date filters to get the dates in the right format for titles and URLs.

  "layout": "single-post.njk",
  "hasCustomOGImage": true,
  "eleventyComputed": {
    "title": "Good links: {{ date | dateFilter }}"
  "excerptText": "Links to posts and websites I've enjoyed this week, curated and automated.",
  "type": "link",
  "tags": [
  "permalink": "/blog/good-links-{{date | urlDateFilter }}/index.html"

I format the links into markdown, defaulting to raindrop’s excerpt if I didn’t write a note:

const formattedLinks = raindrops.map((raindrop) => {
    const { link, title, excerpt, note } = raindrop;

    const description = note === "" ? excerpt : note;
    return `* [${title}](${link}) - ${description}`;

Then I read the template as a string, interpolate the date and links I’ve just formatted, and write them to a file in my blog directory with the date as a filename.

  let postContent = fs.readFileSync("./scripts/link_template.md", "utf8");
  postContent = postContent.replace("{{date}}", formattedToday);
  postContent = postContent.replace("{{links}}", formattedLinks.join("\n"));
  fs.writeFileSync(`./src/blog/links/${formattedToday}.md`, postContent);

Scheduling the script

Running the script is easy enough: I added it into my package.json scripts as yarn generate-links. But I’d like to not even have to think about running it and have something do it for me.

It made sense to use GitHub Actions to run it on a schedule. I already deploy my website twice a day automatically so that new webmentions are fetched regularly.

I randomly entered numbers into crontab.guru until it came out with “every Sunday at 6pm”, and then created a new workflow:

name: "Generate and publish weekly link post"
    - cron: 0 18 * * 0
    name: "Run script to generate post"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: "18"
          cache: "yarn"
      - run: yarn install
      - run: yarn generate-links
          RAINDROP_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.RAINDROP_TOKEN }}
      - uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
          commit_message: Generate weekly link post

I'm storing the raindrop.io token and collection ID in the repository secrets.

My script generates a new .md file with the post, so I need it to commit and push the changes. For this I used git-auto-commit-action. It detects changed files during a workflow run and commits and pushes them back to the repo.

My deployment workflow listens for the link creation workflow to complete, so once this workflow finishes running and pushes the changes, the deployment one will kick off and deploy my new blog post. Magic!

# deploy-neocities.yml
name: "Deploy to Neocities"
      workflows: [Generate and publish weekly link post]
        - completed


No mentions yet... it's so quiet...


  1. Sophie
    typically, the first workflow run failed because I'd made a typo in the script name
  2. Max Böck
    @sophie @eleventy I love tinkering with stuff like this. Also hurray for more hand-picked links to check out!
  3. Sophie
    @miclgael @eleventy I'm always willing to think outside the box when it comes to not having to remember to do something on a regular basis
  4. Jacque Schrag
    @sophie @eleventy This is so clever! I’ve been using Raindrop for years but have never dug into their API before, but your post has inspired me. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
  5. Jcrabapple
    @sophie @eleventy I would like to do something like this when my self-hosted bookmarking solution Linkwarden gets a fully documented API. Great work!
  6. Andy Bell
    @sophie I bloody love this m8. You’ve hit the nail on the head in terms of keeping up to this sorta thing so elegantly
  7. Mariusz
    @sophie @eleventy yeah that's cool but the fact that your domain is localghost is even cooler (reminds me of the times I did more code and had a lolcathost > localhost redirect in my hosts file)
  8. rar
    @sophie this is so cool, this is the kind of stuff I love having a personal website for. Will be keeping this in mind!