Everything I googled in a week as a professional software engineer
Update 15/10/2022: I've written a new version of this! Everything I googled in a week as a senior software engineer
In an attempt to dispel the idea that if you have to google stuff you're not a proper engineer, this is a list of nearly everything I googled in a week at work, where I'm a software engineer with several years' experience.

Obviously these weren't all googled in a row (although you can probably spot that a few were), but throughout the day. I can't remember the context of everything I was googling, but hopefully it'll make you feel a little better next time you have to google something.
npm react-testing-library
- during a React upgrade, looking at dependencies to see latest versions and checking for breaking changes.
Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query string in a "gql" tag?
- said React upgrade then started causing some super fun errors.
react-apollo release notes
- tests were throwing some odd errors with our graphQL components.
undo a rebase
- oops.
react testing library apollo "invariant violation"
- package upgrades are so much fun!
jest silence warnings
- don't judge me, ok?
semantic HTML contact details
- wanted to check if the <address>
tag was relevant here
aa contrast checker
temporary visual impairment
- fact checking for an accessibility talk I was giving that week
dominos accessibility
- popcorn.gif
shame gif
- an important part of any presentation
javascript get array of unique dates
- if I have an array of Date
s, how can I filter them so they are unique? (reduce
, naturally, but I can rarely use that without googling it first)
date to locale string
js date to locale string
- after I got a load of Java results
alternatives to Moment.js
- it's large
group array items by date
- more reduce
sort object keys javascript
react fragment keys
next link
- needed a reminder of how to use the Link component in Next.JS
React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.
visual studio code disable autocomplete html
- it keeps autoclosing HTML elements on the same line, and I still can't switch it off
dt dd dl
- couldn't remember what the example use for these was.
html nested sections
- is it ok to have <section>
inside <section>
display dl in pairs
veggie ipsum
- the best lorem ipsum generator
css keyframes
css animate underline text
dl vs ul
react generating keys
- should I use some kind of hash, or should I use data in the props? (I ended up constructing a string with unique timestamp data)
css checkbox
- can we style checkboxes yet? (no)
flexbox center span
- it was 17:24 and I was tired by this point
grid minmax
flexible grid row
- I don't have a whole lot of CSS Grid experience, so I always end up googling a ton with this.
grid row height auto
cauliflower shortage
- someone told me about this and I panicked
next.js hooks
- we can use them, right? (we can, and I did)
- today is going to be bleak
the corrs
- once I hit some CORS errors I decided I needed to make a meme, and I needed to find the perfect image. It took a surprisingly long time.

git patch trailing whitespace
- I was sent a git patch with some whitespace that prevented it from actually patching
jsx annotation
web api fetch preflight
- in my CORS adventures I wanted to read up a bit more about preflight requests.
web api fetch origin header
discriminated union flow
- trying to diagnose problems with my Flow types.
whitespace regex
- is it \w
? (no, that's a word - it's \s
regex not letter
pat butcher emoji
- what can I say, I google important things
woman shouting at cat
google oauth
next.js authentication
- sometimes it's helpful to google stuff to see if anyone has written examples of how to do common flows in the framework or tool that you're using
component displayname
- do I need to do this with my higher-order components?
- starting to mess around with oauth cookies
reading cookies in react
- there must be a better way than document.cookie
js-cookie npm
npm cookie
google oauth cookie
"log in with google" localhost
- was having all sorts of problems getting this to work
httpserverrequest javascript
- I have a feeling this was something to do with Flow types
nextjs flowtypes
- yep, there you go
"python-social-auth" react
- trying to figure out if the django backend I was working with would play nicely with my React frontend
google social login
vary header
get cookie from 302
google social login cookies
- I was having a really fun time with this as you can tell
google oauth cookie
python-social-auth set-cookie
python-social-auth site:stackoverflow.com
python-social-auth react site:stackoverflow.com
- I think I gave up at this point and just googled Django because I have literally never used it
fetch send cookies
testing same origin credentials locally
cross origin cookies
- spoiler alert: not a thing
useState default value
"The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when when the request's credentials mode is 'include'.
- googling error messages is only second to console.log() as a debugging method
useState with empty array
react hooks initial state empty array
"Provisional headers are shown"
- this is where the requests weren't going through and I couldn't see what the actual headers being sent were
fetch send cookies
how to see request headers in chrome
fetch not sending cookies
Thursday was a whole lot of fun D:
provisional headers are shown
- still at it.
sending cookies from localhost
- have I mentioned that I hate cookies?
editing host file
- desperate times (and it didn't even work)
sending cookies with different domain
next cookie
getinitialprops functional component
getting cookies from document
js find
- to check the usage and return types
string contains
string methods js
- I can't keep any of these in my head
js string methods
- 20 mins later
js fetch manual cookie
django react cookies localhost
django react cookies localhost site:stackoverflow.com
httponly cookie
django httponly
async await promise.all
nextjs port
google appengine node ports
next rename static
install gcloud cli
method patch
- couldn't remember what the HTTP method PATCH
nextjs env
next.js environment variables
next js docs
editing data with hooks
- literally no idea what I was trying to google here but this was past 5pm so I was evidently quite tired
react form submit
- I needed the documentation again.
What I'm trying to show with all this is that you can do something 100 times but still not remember how to do it off the top of your head. Never be ashamed of googling, even if it seems like the most basic thing you're looking up. I can never remember how Date
I've built plenty of forms in React but couldn't remember how onSubmit
worked on the Friday evening at 5:30pm. I constantly have to google JS string methods. Cookies are terrible. (Incidentally, we fixed the cookie issue by running everything in a docker container and tunneling with ngrok
, so everything's on the same domain.)