liveness probe
After an initial burst of blogging energy January followed by a series of automated posts featuring good things I’d read recently, it fell off a cliff towards the end of March. I didn't get bored, I promise!
After an initial burst of blogging energy January followed by a series of automated posts featuring good things I’d read recently, it fell off a cliff towards the end of March. I didn't get bored, I promise!
Recent favourite TV shows, theatre, art, food and books.
Last year's roundup post was good fun, so I decided I'd do another one this year! I feel like I blinked in April and suddenly it was December.
When I tell people I'm in a choir, they often ask what kind. Where do I even begin?
I'm not very good at being bad at things. In fact, I have a track record of giving up on things if I'm not immediately good at it. (So I guess I'm good at giving up on things?) This is a tale of learning to persevere and accepting the effort that goes into learning new skills.
I don't usually do these end-of-year reflection posts, but at a time where I feel like I'm finally starting to hit flat land again after a year of climbing hills, it seems like a nice thing to do, and a way for me to reflect on my own achievements.